A Revolutionary Code Translator & Transformer


In software development, adaptability and efficiency are key. MindAptiv proudly introduces the Chameleon® Aptiv, a groundbreaking tool designed from the ground up to address the complexities and challenges of cross-platform code transformation. Built upon the innovative foundation of intent-driven computing and powered by meaning coordinates, Chameleon offers a new solution for developers and organizations facing the daunting task of updating, converting, and optimizing their codebases for a diverse range of platforms.

Chameleon stands out by seamlessly translating source code across different programming languages and platforms. Whether transitioning from legacy systems, adapting applications for new operating systems, or ensuring software meets the latest standards, Chameleon executes with precision. Its intuitive design and user-centric approach mean that even the most complex transformations are made easier, saving valuable time and resources while delivering exceptional results.

Experience the future of software development with Chameleon, where adaptability meets innovation.

Challenges Addressed:

Challenge #1 – Tackling Outdated Code (Non-technical)

Challenge Overview

Imagine we had a vast library of instructions, perfectly organized for a specific system. Suddenly, the system changes its rules, making our instructions hard to understand. That’s what we faced when a tool we relied on to interpret our software stopped being supported. Our software, written in a version of computer language from 1989, needed an update to meet new standards for modern systems like macOS and iOS.

An Innovative Approach

Facing the monumental task of updating 750,000 lines of code, manual rewriting was not an option. We needed a smarter way. Enter Chameleon, our creative solution, designed not to rewrite but to translate and adapt our software to align with the new system’s rules.

Execution Details

  • In just four weeks, we devised Chameleon, a tool that could understand our existing software and automatically update it to be compatible with the new standards. This wasn’t just about making our software understandable again; it was about ensuring it could live and function in a new environment, seamlessly and efficiently.
  • Chameleon not only bridged the gap caused by the unsupported tool but also refined our software, making it cleaner, more accessible, and future-proof. This approach didn’t just solve our immediate problem; it enhanced our software’s quality and maintainability for years to come.
  • Chameleon offers organizations a path to revitalize their complex systems, safeguarding their digital assets and ensuring they remain competitive and resilient in the face of technological evolution.

Challenge #1 – Overcoming Compiler Deprecation (Technical)

Challenge Overview

Due to the deprecation of a compiler, we had 750,000 lines of code written in C89, using undeclared function parameter prototypes for various gains on ‘recasted-input-parameters’. When required to enable certain compiler flags for shipping on macOS/iOS treated such C89 conventions as errors needing upgrades, if used in the same object-linking modeling, we had to generate flexible declarations and update it all to C99 standards.

Strategic Approach

We knew that we would not have the resources to do the coding by hand and we wanted to test out the theory that meaning coordinates could be directed at programming languages. Our ability to generate machine instructions by dynamically mapping natural language to meaning coordinates worked flawlessly. We had a high-level of confidence that it would work for programming languages as well. 

Execution Details

  • We created the Chameleon Aptiv. It took approximately four weeks to assemble the meaning coordinates required. 
  • Creating Aptivs from meaning coordinates is not ideal. Think of it as being like creating a cake using atomic elements in the periodic table.
  • Even with precision instruments, that would be a very tedious way to create a cake. Note that natural language is now being used to create Aptivs instead of manipulating meaning coordinates directly.

Chameleon not only resolved the initial compiler deprecation problem, but it also stylized the newly generated code for correct formatting and good coding practices for naming conventions. Thereby, making maintaining code much easier.


Transformed source code from C99 to C++14, Objective C, and pseudo code

Accuracy of translation (new code compiled with zero errors)

~5MLOC Packaged as Power Aptivs (hot-swappable code + Meaning Coordinates)

Challenge #2 – Bridging Software Across Different Systems (Non-technical)

Challenge Overview

Transitioning our software from macOS to Linux was like trying to decode a message written in two different languages. Each operating system has its unique way of understanding commands, much like how human languages are interpreted differently in places around the world. Our task was complicated by the need to ensure our software communicated effectively with critical hardware components, managed by different “interpreters” or compilers on each system.

The Creative Solution: The Chameleon Aptiv

To bridge this gap without manually rewriting our software—a task akin to translating a novel word by word—we developed Chameleon. Imagine Chameleon as a bilingual translator, adept at converting the essence of a story into another language without losing its original flavor or meaning.

Chameleon’s Approach

  • Chameleon employs meaning coordinates to navigate and resolve complex software translation and compatibility challenges across different programming languages and platforms.
  • Chameleon took our software’s “blueprints” and skillfully adapted them for both macOS and Linux. This wasn’t just about changing a few words here and there; it was about ensuring the core instructions would be correctly interpreted and executed in each system’s unique language, especially when dealing with complex data structures and hardware communication protocols.
  • The true marvel of Chameleon was its speed and precision. In about 11 hours, what would have likely taken months of manual effort was accomplished. This feat highlighted the potential of Chameleon to solve complex compatibility issues, making software versatile and more accessible.

Chameleon’s use of meaning coordinates represents a paradigm shift in how software translation and compatibility are approached. By focusing on the intent behind the code, Chameleon ensures that software not only runs across different platforms but does so in a way that is true to the original functionality and expectations, bridging the gap between diverse technological ecosystems.

Chameleon does more than just change code from one language to another. It’s smart enough to understand what the original code is supposed to do, and it makes sure that when it changes the code, it still works the way it was intended. Whether the code needs to fit different rules for different computer systems or talk correctly to pieces of hardware, Chameleon takes care of it.

This clever tool automates the whole process, making it much easier and faster for organizations to update their software or make it work on different platforms without needing a lot of manual work. It’s like having a translator that not only knows many languages but also knows exactly what you mean to say and how to say it best, no matter who or what you’re talking to.

Challenge #2 – Extending Essence Across Compilers and Platforms (Technical)

Challenge Overview

Extending our source code from macOS to Linux presented us with significant challenges, particularly with compiler compatibility for processing our sparse-data and training files. Additionally, communicating with Nvidia and AMD drivers, which depend on GCC’s libc dynamic loader, must be taken into consideration.

For data processing, we have 711 files of sparse (meaning we only fill in some areas, based on a variety of macro-templates) C99 initialization structures which compile fine under ClangC but throw errors (not warnings) in GCC if there is a ‘0’ in a multi-member variable while ClangC propagates the 0 as expected. GCC will propagate a zero if we leave a blankspace while Clang throws an error if left blank. We need to build with both compilers to connect to GPU/storage drivers and other projects that only build with one or the other as shared-objects for which we provide an FFI wrapper.

To perform this task manually would take a team of software engineers months to complete.

Strategic Approach

Confronted with the dual-compiler dilemma and the complex data structuring issues, our solution was to harness the power of the Chameleon Aptiv, which is itself created from meaning coordinates. Chameleon’s adaptability to programming languages gave us confidence in its ability to navigate the intricacies of machine languages and compiler-specific requirements.

Execution Details

  • With Chameleon, we efficiently translated our sparse-data files into versions compatible with both GCC and ClangC compilers. This process involved importing the original C99 files into Chameleon, where they were transformed into ‘Idea’ Aptivs. Subsequently, these Aptivs were re-expressed through a set of filters and rules, generating distinct GCC and ClangC optimized files.
  • We had several variations on this ‘data-struct-sparse-initializing’ problem which all were solved via Chameleon. Chameleon processed the original files and generated separate GCC and ClangC cached files to use in compilation, that have been modified to work as expected.

This approach not only resolved the initial compilation errors but also streamlined the dual-compiler build process for Essence on Linux.

The entire adaptation was achieved in approximately 11 hours, focusing predominantly on testing for success and ensuring that failures behaved as anticipated.


100% Compatibility
Ensured Essence’s seamless operation across both ClangC and GCC compilers, addressing the unique error-handling and struct-initialization behaviors of each.

Efficient Adaptation
Leveraged Chameleon to automate the generation of compiler-specific versions of sparse-data files, significantly reducing manual coding effort.

Stable Solution
Established a robust and repeatable process for handling compiler discrepancies, ensuring Essence’s expandability across platforms with minimal additional intervention.

We will announce when Chameleon is available as a service. We envision using it to modernize legacy code to significantly increase the success rate of digital modernization projects. Contact us for a solution that goes well beyond the capabilities of alternative low-code approaches. View the video clips below to see demonstrations of Chameleon.

1. Generating & Exporting Code

2. Importing & Stylizing Code

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