
Causes of Software Melt

Why Wantware is the Evolution of Software

Unlike Software, Wantware Doesn’t Melt

As jolting as it may seem to consider wantware as not being software, consider the many modality changes that have occurred in the transportation industry. Horses and buggies, cars, trains, airplanes, boats and ships, and rocket ships are all ways of transporting things. When there is a major modality change, it is common to create new ways of communicating about it. Opportunities to reach new destinations and to have new experiences are what motivates us to create new ways of doing things.

Every product powered by wantware regenerates machine instructions to optimize, sync, and scale itself. Nothing to maintain. Nothing to hack. No delay. We stop the melting. The possibilities are endless.

Wantware is more than a buzzword. It’s a new way to instruct machines.

Innovators Create New Industries

If Thomas Edison accepted the fact that candles melt and saw no problem with that, would we have the light bulb? Like many innovations that predated it, wantware is about addressing the fundamental challenges that exist in software.

The global economic, security, diversity, inclusion, equity, and many other societal benefits are possible outcomes of a new wantware industry.

We have an exciting vision for the future. Join us in creating a new movement that enables the democratization of computing.

Sign up for our Wantware Pilot Program

Unlike Software, Wantware Doesn’t Melt

As jolting as it may seem to consider wantware as not being software, consider the many modality changes that have occurred in the transportation industry. Horses and buggies, cars, trains, airplanes, boats and ships, and rocket ships are all ways of transporting things. When there is a major modality change, it is common to create new ways of communicating about it. Opportunities to reach new destinations and to have new experiences are what motivates us to create new ways of doing things.

Every product powered by wantware regenerates machine instructions to optimize, sync, and scale itself. Nothing to maintain. Nothing to hack. No delay. We stop the melting. The possibilities are endless.

Wantware is more than a buzzword. It’s a new way to instruct machines.

Innovators Create New Industries

If Thomas Edison accepted the fact that candles melt and saw no problem with that, would we have the light bulb? Like many innovations that predated it, wantware is about addressing the fundamental challenges that exist in software.

The global economic, security, diversity, inclusion, equity, and many other societal benefits are possible outcomes of a new wantware industry.

We have an exciting vision for the future. Join us in creating a new movement that enables the democratization of computing.

Sign up for our Wantware Pilot Program

What Causes Software Melt?

Software Melt is the slow or rapid decrease in the effectiveness of code (composed of programming languages). Whether the code is written by programmers or AI Machine Learning algorithms trained to mimic what coders do, Software Melt will happen.


What coding errors or sub-optimal design choices have been made?

Problem: Technical debt exists within the system, both known and unknown.

Solution: The wantware process produces regenerative machine instructions that are self-optimizing and error-free (arithmetic, logic, syntax, resource, code-conflicts, and parallelization errors do not happen). The less fixed code there is in the system, the lower the risk of coding errors.


What coding updates need to be made to fix flaws or reflect new design choices, at what cost?

Problem: The high time and cost of maintaining software.

Solution: The wantware process produces regenerative machine instructions that are used and then deleted like SnapChat messages. The regenerated binaries literally require no maintenance. Speak or type, in your way of expression, to create and make changes to what machines do.


What coding errors or design choices have been or may be exploited?

Problem: Like applying accelerants to fire, vulnerabilities can be exploited to create rapid software melt.

Solution: All Aptivs use a Guard to protect data, code, and machine instructions at granular levels (see Nebulo to learn more). We use the Guard, post-quantum encryption (see StreamWeave and Umbra to learn more), and regenerative/ephemeral instructions to greatly reduce vulnerabilities.


How much of the code is based on older methods and tech?

Problem: Software based on programming languages has built-in obsolescence.

Solution: The Essence Construct used by every Aptiv produces regenerative machine instructions that are self-optimizing. Fixed code from programming languages are replaced with meaning coordinates based on priorities. The less fixed code there is, the less obsolescence exists in a system.


How easy or difficult is it to work with other code across systems?

Problem: The less a system is designed to work with other systems, the more likely it will become obsolete, experience reduced investment and decay.

Solution: Fixed code is packaged so that it becomes Aptivs that are like trust-certified Lego Bricks. The less fixed code there is, the less obsolescence exists in a system. Learn more about how to go from software to wantware here.


How easy or difficult is it to assemble different features, and can they coexist?

Problem: Code that is not composable will inevitably become misaligned with requirements, experience reduced investment and decay.

Solution: Fixed code is packaged so that it becomes Aptivs that are like trust-certified Lego Bricks. The less fixed code there is, the less obsolescence exists in a system. Learn more about how to go from software to wantware here.

Because Software Melt has such major impacts, it is important to identify causes so that we can consider them as we seek solutions. We will share additional causes here as we become aware of them.

Additional Causes of Software Melt

How quickly can the system capacity to process data and add users be increased?

Problem: A system that cannot easily scale impedes the ability to meet growth related requirements. There is likely to be reduced investment and associated decay in such systems.

Solution: The Essence Agent uses an approach to producing regenerative instructions and managing data that scales to 1038.

Does the system require limited skill sets to respond to requirements?

Problem: Software is created by coders who represent less than one third of people in the world. This limits the resources available to solve problems and to enable ideas to be realized. This is a scarcity model.

Solution: WantWare does not require coding skills to create, understand, tweak and edit machine behaviors. This is an abundance model.

To what extent has the code become too difficult to understand by those responsible for maintaining it? 

Problem: Complexity in software happens when novel methods are employed, product size, number of features, and poor documentation make it difficult to understand.

Solution: WantWare uses Meaning Coordinates to translate and transform intent so that it can be mapped to different levels of detail. The approach supports different mindsets from the highly technical to laymen, and personal ways of thinking.

Is the behavior that the code produces open for examination?

Problem: It is not enough to say that open-source code can be examined if the examiner doesn’t understand the code. 

Solution: WantWare uses Meaning Coordinates to translate and transform intent so that it can be mapped to different levels of detail. This allows both the user and the Essence Agent to examine code for alignment with its stated intent. This takes transparency to a new level.

Is the behavior that the code produces expressible at all skill and knowledge levels?

Problem: It is not enough to say that open-source code can be examined if the examiner doesn’t understand the code. 

Solution: WantWare uses Meaning Coordinates to translate and transform intent so that it can be mapped to different levels of detail. Meanings are expressible and shareable through natural language dialog, ultimately in any way of communicating. The approach supports different mindsets from the highly technical to laymen, and personal ways of thinking. 

To what extent is the ability to create and change code accessible to all users?

Problem: Programming languages are largely written in English, and less than 200 languages are supported on the Internet.

Solution: WantWare uses Meaning Coordinates to translate and transform intent so that it can be mapped to different levels of detail, including many more languages. The Engage system is designed to support over 4,000 languages and provide tools for creating written versions of the over 3,000 only-spoken languages in the world.

Is the low-level code of high-quality and high-integrity?

Problem: Firmware is a special kind of low-level code. Firmware has become a major target for attacks by hackers. Poor-quality firmware code can compromise the host device and other connected devices on a network.

Solution: Aptivs can communicate directly with hardware, thereby eliminating threats. WantWare allows developers to rely less on firmware and is an appealing alternative to firmware for many of the same reasons that WantWare is a more robust alternative to software.

To what extent does software and firmware updates introduce risks to systems?

Problem: The software and firmware update process is the equivalent of a permanent backdoor. Even the most sophisticated and well resourced businesses and governments have been the victims of exploits that hijack the update process.

Solution: The update process is dramatically altered in the WantWare process. Updates are primarily introduced via natural language and semantic units that have built-in transparency and explainability. Imagine a bank robber having to send a message to the bank stating his intent to rob the bank and never being allowed to enter the bank. WantWare updates are primarily not code. The update is not an executable. It is an expression of intent. The overwhelming majority of vulnerabilities and exploits cannot happen.

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