

Why Meaning Coordinates

A Semantic Meaning Representation System with a Built-in Ledger

A Semantic Meaning Representation System with a Built-in Ledger

  • A Human-centered Approach
  • Precision Results
  • Semiotics and Wantware
  • Advanced Ledger System

Human-centered Approach

There is much concern and uncertainty about where technology is headed. AI is of particular concern as it lacks sufficient transparency and explainability, by many assessments. At MindAptiv, we believe that it is difficult to control what is not well understood. Wantware is an alternative to AI in the sense that it is designed with transparency and explainability via meaning coordinates. Our vision is to enable all of humanity to bridge the gap between human intents and machine behaviors. Not just the less than 1% of people who understand code.

Precision Results

Meaning Coordinates reflect behaviors that are difficult to create or retrofit into legacy platforms. Without functional equivalents in programming languages, each coder is left to figure out how to implement wanted behaviors. The results are typically subject to the programming language(s) chosen, and the knowledge and skills of the coders. That implies that what is wanted may not be developed, if coders don’t know how to create it or complexity makes the solution cost prohibitive. By leaving many desired behaviors to coders to implement, there is great inconsistency between different approaches across the software industry.

Semiotics & Wantware

Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols, in particular as they communicate things spoken and unspoken. Common examples of semiotics include traffic signs, emojis and emoticons used in electronic communication, and logos and brands used by international companies to sell us things.

Signs are around us all the time: consider a set of paired faucets in a bathroom or kitchen. In your kitchen, the left side is almost certainly the hot water tap, the right is the cold. Twenty years ago or so, taps even had letters designating the temperature of the water—in English, H for hot and C for cold. But in Spanish it was C for hot (caliente) and F for cold (frio). Modern taps have no letter designations at all or are included in one tap—but even with one tap, the semiotic content of faucets is still tilt or turn left for hot water, and right for cold. The information about how to avoid being burned is a sign: you know which direction to tilt.

Meaning Coordinates are used to translate all inputs (e.g. video, audio, text, natural and programming languages, etc.) into symbolic representations, in real-time. Instead of waiting for programmers to write code in a specific language (which takes time and is inherently directive), wantware bypasses that step.

Advanced Ledger System

Meaning Coordinates are used to construct a new ledger system Aptiv that we call Nebulo, in real-time. Translatable data structures are formed from Meaning Coordinates to represent a wide variety of data models. Meaning Coordinates and data can be stored on a ledger that is distributed or centralized or private or hybrid combinations of the three.

Nebulo allows massive worlds to be constructed with levels of detail control. Granular details associated with data, Meaning Coordinates, and every aspect of experiences are allocated their own unique identifier (like a context-routed URL) that massively scales to 1038 without duplicating data.

Nebulo can work with other ledger systems, like blockchains, with many added benefits that are unique to the wantware. Learn more about Nebulo.

Software Redefined is Wantware

Our focus is on a solution that unlocks your ideas, without anyone (coders) or any thing (e.g. AI that generates code) creating more code. Automobiles, airplanes, and spaceships aren’t better horses. They are different modes of travel, and much more. Expect better outcomes because wantware enables new modes of computing. Get ready to create at the speed of thought.